Thanks you for cleaning.
Still having issues with sink and counter by wheels. Be very careful NOT to get any water on sink - it finds its way to the floor!
DO make art But DO wrap it up - it's FRIDAY and we don't want it to dry out.
fourth period sludge Allie Willie and Mark
BEG Soft slab cup should be in by today. You should be working on wheel cylinder. You might need to make a number of them before you get the one you want to turn in for credit ... Needs to have a well defined outside wall that is pulled up and not just shaped by your hand. Needs to have a well defined foot ring. Needs to be a cyliner. (not a bowl or any other shape.) | ADV You must have weekly blogs You must have an interst page. need on grading blog by now bowls, tall, set of three. otherwise risk zeros! You should be thinking in terms of your choices as to where your intersts lie - this will become your theme. Remember your interst page should guide you - it should have things you could actually make. |