All students =
should be in NOW | Advanced - make sure you are up to date on your blogs. |
sludging pd 4 .... Wednesday pd. 5 Friday pd. 6
These should be ready to turn in | These should be getting posted - |
Advanced Students - you must bring in three peices of ceramics
Beginning students bring in up to three peices - but at least one
ASAP - it's overdue now.
News - new counters - YAY!
Thnk about the water situation ...
Remember - clay in mixer if it is wet.
clay in bucket if it is dry or scraps from footing - seperate the water from the clay!!!
need to be working on the wheel. Note - there is another choice project for second quarter - so you can work on that.
Make sure you wrap projects up well that you are going to leave over break.
End of period Friday - make sure all counters are clear, make sure the mixer is closed and wrapped with the tarp. Glazes ne
directions for what you need to do are here turn in packet with printout – or hand written list of what it says on skyward– make sure we agree All project notes in order – this will include projects that you have started and are due this quarter but have not been fired. The grades for those will be entered next quarter but if you don’t have the notes on the started projects you will not get credit for them. Pinch, Coil, Soft slab, Firm slab, Wheel Cylinder, choice the first page of your packet should be a personal formative short answer response to these learning targets. I have learned ------ (put in as much as possible)in ceramics, My efforts have been… (This includes work in clay, written work and team clean up) I hope to improve (again put in as much as possible about skills, efforts, and team work)_____ next quarter to improve. | make this the first entry on your theme blog End of quarter advanced evaluation – copy and paste as the first entry of your theme blog. Fill in the blanks. The idea is to set a measurable learning target and see if you get there! FUN My main strength in art/ceramics is – Most of my projects are – Next semester one of my main goals is– Right Now, my skill at(pulling a wall, creating a shape, glazing for ceramics or using line, color, drawing a face or using perspective for 2d art … you pick something you are interested in and you can measure.) Can be measure by -(will actually measure something …) By the end of the term I hope it will be … (set a specific and measurable goal) |
Ms. Heideman
Master of Fine Arts
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