New students - put on your pinch pot notes today's date and that you got your project out of the bisque. continue finishing your coil pot. Remember to have coils in many directions and to put 3d decorations on your coils!! MAKE SURE YOU LET YOUR COIL PROJECTS DRY VERY SLOWLY IN A BAG OR THEY WILL CRACK AND FALL APART. MAKE SURE ALL YOUR COILS ARE VERY WELL ATTACHED OR THEY WILL BREAK OFF IN THE KILN | Advanced students - you should be finishing your tall project, a cup or pitcher if you are > 2 semesters. Make sure you blog this week. Prepare your bowls for glazing. YOU MUST PAY MORE ATTENTION TO CLEANING!!!! TOMORROW YOU WILL SPEND ALL PERIOD CLEANING IF IT'S STILL A MESS BY THE END OF TODAY!!! |