1 - describe the image - media, subject, size, material
2 - talk about a skill that is showcased or newly learned
3 - how do the art elements make design elements
4 - what is the overall feeling, mood or idea of the image?
lets' talk about the paragraphs below - both before and edited. Also please make sure you read ANYTHING you write out loud for sense. Watch for correct usage -- allusion should be illusion and 'and' should be 'an' :)
Make sure you edit your pictures --- see how much better they look edited!
This is a drawing of swirling squares. I used a pencil and ruler to create lines to make an allusion. I also used darker lines to create depth. It uses shape with the squares and depth from how dark or light the lines are. I combined the swirling squares and other lines to create and allusion which is blended together. It has lines and value. The idea of the drawing is to trick the mind and give it a dramatic look. | This is a pencil drawing of swirling squares on paper. I changed the pressure of my pencil to create different values of lines. This change in values creates depth because the darker lines come forward in space. The lines get smaller and smaller as they go to the middle of the squares and create a sense of movement and Drama. The idea of the drawing is to trick the mind. |
| re edit. |