make sure you have your finished small test print on your working blog. is our last meeting this week - we meet again on Monday and Wednesday - there is no work log next week.
working blog | on grading blog |
1. --accurately describing the big shapes to create an accurate image
2. --creating a motif which takes up most of the picture plane on a background - layers of space
3.-- using textures to show value (stippling, parallel lines, cross-hatching.
4. --using texture/value to describe a particular surface
5. --using value to describe form and edge without just outlining the shape.
On your work log do a little drawing to illustrate each
parallel contour lines (hatching)
cross hatching
Are there other textures we could use?
I need my drawing of boxes done in different textures
I need the photo for my finished ink drawing - it needs to be a macro still life or a close-up portrait of someone I know.
I will be using the same image for my block print.
what do you like best about your painting?
What would you change next time?
Moving on - after you have finsihed posting your landscape on your grading blog - go on to your next assignment.
it will be to use pen and ink. First we will do a tutorial see video here please click this link.
and then we will do a sketch like the one in the tutorial showing hatching or paralel lines, cross hatching, and stippling.
Also not there is countour line drawing - see the portriat on any paper money.
For your finished drawing you will need a photo - a close up of a natural object or a face - and you will be doing a finshed ink drawing of that. See the scale as well as the rubric.
Ms. Heideman
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