Time for your own photo - find your inner impresionisnts!
Also, time to make your weebly site!
on the ipads make a weebly site. It should have a home page and a blog page for now. Today, post a picture of your pastel drawing and add a paragraph.
Reading your evaluations makes me way happy since you've all learned a lot!
Time for your own photo - find your inner impresionisnts! Also, time to make your weebly site! on the ipads make a weebly site. It should have a home page and a blog page for now. Today, post a picture of your pastel drawing and add a paragraph. The next assignment is to copy the Monet landscape using oil pastel on white paper. Start using the lightest colors draw the form and general composition. Then using only bright colors - not black! - slowly build up the forms to show the image.Remember to finish your evaluation tonight. This will be due on Thursday when we will do another one.
Local color - uses tints and shades to create light and shadow - Impressionistic color - uses complementary colors to create shadows and highlights
On small white paper do a painting of these apples with tempera paint. Make sure your paint is opaque enough not to curl the paper.
Tomorrow and Thursday we will be doing short group activities to get ready for your written quarter self-evaluations. You will need to be writing about art elements and principles and what you have learned about them as well as what you learned that is personal to you.
When drawing surfaces and edges remember to use three main values (tones) dark for behind the edge, light for the edge, and medium for when the surface slants away from the edge.
Art and Design - start your small to huge drawing - in charcoal - you will be using the same principle of dark, medium and Light click here for link to assignment only please work in charcoal! remember the ideas is to create drawings that enlarged common objects so that they filled the entire paper and changed the character of the objects. Assignment - using pencil and white paper I can draw a picture of my shoe resting on a piece of practice paper.
I can use a wide variety of line styles, but not smudging, including contour lines, cross hatching, stippling and textured lines with an entire range of values. I can fill up the entire page so there is more figure/motif than negative/background space. I can create the illusion of three dimensions by using relative size, overlap and value changes. Things in front will will be larger, darker. I can indicate the plane the shoe is resting on by drawing a shadow where the lines describe the plane of the table. I can draw with my hand lifted and un-anchored from the table and using my entire arm to help create lines that seem to curve by changing value as they curve. I can finish my drawing on time. |
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