Take ten minutes to make sure your best Notan cut-out is complete.
Next we will be writing a paragraph on it. You can find the directions under the file cabinet, but I'll put it here.
Please finish the paragraph about your design and keep it so you can enter it on your weebly blog.
How to write an art paragraph -
Name the object by title of the assignment – i.e. drawing with squares or line design
& Describe
what does the image look like? (what is subject matter or motif)
What is the media? (pencil, watercolor...)
name at least one new skill that was
used in order to make the project (do not narrative everything you did to make it – just the new skill you learned for
this assignment.)
name the main art elements - talk about the composition as well as art elements in individual parts of the composition
for your CM show how the skills and art element express an idea, feeling or mood.
*WARNING* DO NOT USE SIMILIES – i.e. – it’s blue so it reminds me of the ocean. Or it looks like a stary night. Describe the details of the image and let the viewer draw their own conclusions.
your paragraph shuold be
– what – describe the
– how –
skills and art elements
why is it important? – What possible meaning does it express? What does it say about you?
Next we will be writing a paragraph on it. You can find the directions under the file cabinet, but I'll put it here.
Please finish the paragraph about your design and keep it so you can enter it on your weebly blog.
How to write an art paragraph -
Name the object by title of the assignment – i.e. drawing with squares or line design
& Describe
what does the image look like? (what is subject matter or motif)
What is the media? (pencil, watercolor...)
name at least one new skill that was
used in order to make the project (do not narrative everything you did to make it – just the new skill you learned for
this assignment.)
name the main art elements - talk about the composition as well as art elements in individual parts of the composition
for your CM show how the skills and art element express an idea, feeling or mood.
*WARNING* DO NOT USE SIMILIES – i.e. – it’s blue so it reminds me of the ocean. Or it looks like a stary night. Describe the details of the image and let the viewer draw their own conclusions.
your paragraph shuold be
– what – describe the
– how –
skills and art elements
why is it important? – What possible meaning does it express? What does it say about you?